XIMENA PÉREZ GROBET, book artist, for "Barcelona retrats de proximitat". / by Toni Ricart

When she was little, Ximena used to say that when she grew up she wanted to be a "gift wrapper". And in the end what she does is very similar to this idea, because she designs artist's books, which are art objects that contain surprises, like wrapped gifts. 
She has just returned from Mexico where she presented the exhibition Adsum at the Seminario de Cultura Mexicana. While we have a coffee she shows me some of her works, where she turns the traditional concept of book upside down, breaking away from the established, playing with the random. These are ingenious and unusual books, which often incorporate a ludic component, "because -she tells me- it is there where we all recognize ourselves." 

Ximena Pérez Grobet is a Mexican graphic artist and designer based in Barcelona. She has developed a professional work around the book as an artistic discipline and format of expression. Her experience in editorial design and production of art books has helped her to create a personal work through artist's books that she signs with her own publishing label Nowhereman Press. 
Since 1994 she has exhibited in Mexico, Europe and the United States. 
She also collaborates with artists who are interested in capturing their projects in artist's books, where the book as an object collects and interprets the artist's work in close dialogue with the author and gives it a unique value in limited editions.